Monday, May 08, 2006

Beer, Pubs & Maps

I just knew, when I declared the coming year to be the Year of the Geographical Revolution, that there would be good things in store.

... and this is one of them. Yes, that's right, I've taken this thing (itself a mashup between Google and, uh, I dunno, Tribe and Yelp) and used it to create an online, interactive Fabulous Map O' Beer, along with a companion site, the Fabulous Blog O' Beer.

So, what is it?

It's a way to let people in the Ecotopia region (the Pacific Northwest & Northern California get to know more about the wild bounty o' beer that we have available to us here on the West Coast. And talk about it. And offer critiques. Who has the best ESB? Seasonal Winter Ale? Dopplebock? You get the picture. :-)

Go check it out, and let me know watcha think!


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