Monday, February 12, 2007

Open letter to Speaker Pelosi, encouraging immediate impeachment of President Bush

Dear Speaker Pelosi,

I believe that the impeachment process needs to regain the credibility that it lost under Republican rule, and that President Bush is the ideal poster child for this effort. His initiatives, policies, proposals and history are not only in every way at odds with what I consider to be accepted morality, but they do a dis-service to America and at worst expose him as a traitor to his own country. His criminality needs to be punished.

He and his administrative team, including the vice-president, must be removed from office in an orderly, timely and responsible manner that restores the confidence of this country in the constitutional rule of law and specifically the process of impeachment.

This message must be responsibly sent as soon as possible to restore the respect of the rest of the world for the rule of democracy in this country.

Yours truly,
Mr. Garlynn G. Woodsong, Esq.


Garlynn Woodsong said...


This slideshow and this post lead to only one reasonable conclusion:

In order to regain the trust of the Iraqis (much less the rest of the international community, or Americans), in order to properly implement the reasonable strategy depicted in this powerpoint (which is simple brilliance at its best) --


Honor must be brought back to the Constitution, and the constitutionally-provided-for remedy to the current situation that we find ourselves in.

It is not our fault that impeachment was frivolously used by this same group of folks in the late 90s.

It is our responsibility, however, to uphold the Constitution and democracy by impeaching Bush & Cheney for their crimes, in an open and civil process that is transparent and understandable to everybody.

Once we have a regime change in this country, it will be *much* easier to make the case for a strategy & policy change to Iraqis that allows us to fix up the country and exit as quickly as possible.


Garlynn Woodsong said...

Finally, the legal case for impeachment:

Garlynn Woodsong said...

There's a very good case for impeachment in this post BlueOregon: